BTT Market Trading
Secondary Market
Market cap and trading volume: The market cap of BTT was $1.67 billion in the past week and the total trading volume was $0.6 billion.
Price: In the past week, BTT opened at $0.000001741 and peaked at $0.000001886 with 8.33% increase.
BTT Core Data
Real-time BTT accounts: 99563
Overall number of BTT transactions: 395176 424546
New BTT transactions this week: 29370
Community Update
1. BitTorrent Discord launched with 1 Billion $BTT giveaway and ended on 15 March, by 16 March, the members of the server exceeded 16.8K.
BitTorrent Products
1. The number of BitTorrent Twitter followers is now over 636K. This week’s tweets received 37K Likes, 22K Retweets, 8.5% Engagement Rate, and 1.4M Impressions.
BitTorrent Chain
1. The total amount of BTTOLD burned exceeded 566 billion, reaching 566,579,615,002 and accounting for 57.1% of its total supply.
1. BTFS 2.0 Genesis Badge NFT is in development and optimization.
2. BTFS V2.1.2 is now in development.
3. Total Vault Contracts on BTFS exceeded 1.5 million.
4. According to statistics on BTFS SCAN, by March 16, the number of total miners on BTFS passed the 4.54 million mark; that of super miners exceeded 2.71 million; the number of active super miners exceeded 1.63 million; the total number of contracts on BTFS is 68,182,637; Total vault contracts on BTFS exceeded 1.3 million.The top three countries with the most miners are as follows: the U.S.: 484,209; Germany: 243,312; Japan: 215,158.
BitTorrent Speed
1. The total number of created wallets is over 323M, and 3.4M have active accounts on the TRON chain. We AirDropped more than 7M BTTOLD to unique wallets.