Have you ever been curious about the basics of BitTorrent, why torrents enable speedier downloads, or how a torrent application works? We put together a fun video to explain why the famous decentralized protocol we call BitTorrent is so great. Check out the video below 👇 and enjoy!

Company announces 30% off Windows-based BitTorrent and µTorrent Pro to celebrate milestone (SAN FRANCISCO, August 11, 2020) – BitTorrent Inc., the leading company in peer-to-peer protocols and products, announced that it surpassed 2 billion installations of its popular torrent client software on Windows, Mac and Android. The company, which offers products across two brands, BitTorrent…

The BitTorrent team is proud to unveil our new website, which is now available at https://www.bittorrent.com. Several months in the making, our goal was to make big improvements in site performance and stability. Now the site is faster to load, making it more efficient to find and download our trusted mobile and desktop torrent clients…

“Here’s why I make movies. I don’t like lies.” – Oliver Stone Over the course of a career that now stretches nearly as long as J.F.K’s life span, Oliver Stone has been relentlessly driven to make movies with real world impact, and his latest venture, Snowden, is a story for our times. In many ways,…

Want to feel old? No? Well too bad, because Lupe Fiasco’s classic album, Food & Liquor, turned 10 this week. That’s right, the project that kick pushed Lupe onto the map and convinced a lot of people, including me, that hip-hop had a new elite emcee to reckon with, is now old enough to be in fifth…