The Curious Case of Caps and Congestion

If you are interested in data caps and network congestion challenges, GigaOm graciously allowed me to share my thoughts today in a guest post (full version available here). In a nutshell, I believe data caps will do nothing to solve the congestion challenges. ISP bottlenecks almost exclusively occur at peak times. Even if your monthly…


Khan Academy Education Videos Arrive in the App Studio

Imagine an organization with one mission – to provide a world-class education, for free, to anyone, anywhere. Now imagine having instant access to all that knowledge directly in your BitTorrent or uTorrent client.   Today we launched a brand-new app in collaboration with Khan Academy, a renowned not-for-profit organization fulfilling the mission of global education…


‘Beyond the Game’ – Warcraft III Documentary Distributes Direct with BitTorrent + VODO + Cinema Purgatorio

If you are a avid gamer, today is an excellent day. Beyond the Game, the celebrated Warcraft III documentary about gaming legends in the throes of a competition of a lifetime, is now available for download free via BitTorrent! More about the film may be found here: or check out the trailer: [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKqgHaT9Xd8] We’re proud…



Google recently disabled Autocomplete and Instant search features for our trademarked company and product names, including BitTorrent, µTorrent, and torrent. We’ve heard a lot of speculation about this move and we feel it’s important for us to provide some perspective and clarity on this situation. BitTorrent is a technology company that builds software and standards…


New Ways to Share and Play Your Torrents

Today we are releasing two new apps to enhance your BitTorrent and μTorrent experience, and allow you to do things not before possible. As with past apps, our goal is to continue to improve the user experience by adding new functionality that is simple and user friendly. The first is a VLC player app, which…


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