Jane Davis, BitTorrent’s UX Research and Designer, provides an inside look at the process of understanding our international user base and how this insight impacts our products.
Every two months, BitTorrent holds an internal hackathon we call a Palooza. Projects are presented. People vote. Great ideas are born. We present this month’s report.
When I started working for BitTorrent, I brought with me an event known as “Pie Friday”. In its simplest incarnation, Pie Friday is when someone brings pie in to the office on, yes, Fridays. It started because I love making pie, and other people love eating pie, and has grown to be embraced by people…
Biathlon is a winter sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting. We held one at BitTorrent headquarters. It involved less skiing. Here at BitTorrent, we like to have parties. While some of them are brilliantly planned events, we also like to engage in impromptu “Happy Hours.” During one of those brilliantly planned events with…
It’s 10:45am, and the Mobile team is gathered in their daily standup. At the center of the conversation is a scrum board covered in tasks, and the team’s dashboard (a large TV). Usually, the TV displays mobile stats. Today, it’s an image Rebecca Chu, a Sr. Visual Designer, put together with the new mobile app…